
I hope my travel stories would have benefited you in some way or the other. I would love to get your feedback and your thoughts on my blog. Do share if you like to read about any specific topic or if you need my help, recommendations or to simply connect!

Apart from my blog, I would love to promote, collaborate and engage with relevant travel or fashion brands and also with tourism boards travel companies and experiential accommodations. You can also contact me for

Advertising on my Blog

From Relevant brand & products

Trips & experiential accommodations

I like collaborating with tourism boards, airlines, property owners, travel companies for the promotion of destinations, luxury properties, travel products /accessories, etc.


I am open to write for reviews of products/ places/ accommodations/ restaurants/fashion accessories etc

Travel stories

I would love to share my stories in various media including travel magazine, newspaper, online/offline publications

Speaker/ Forums

I did love to be a part of Bloggers meet and similar forums

Feel free to write


 Connect with me online

Twitter: @madhulikash

Facebook: Madhuonthego

Instagram: @madhuonthego