Product Review: Deyga, Natural, Ecofriendly and Sustainable skincare

Thank Deyga for lovely products. However, this review is unbiased and based on my experience after using the products for almost a month. 

If you have read my previous blogs, you probably know that I have been trying to shift to eco-friendly, natural, and handmade products. I strongly feel that sustainable living is the need of an hour. All of us should make our little contribution towards keeping mother earth clean and green. 

And in an attempt to do so, I have tried some of the sustainable skincare brands. Natural skin care products are not the only environment friendly but also gentle on the skin as they do not have harmful chemicals like Paraben, sulfate, etc. Another benefit of using these products is that it supports local and home-grown businesses to grow.  

Natural and handcrafted products from Deyga are the recent addition to my skincare and hair care routine. I am using some of their products daily and found them very effective. Here is the review of these products to help you make informed choices and contribute towards saving mother Earth.  

Deyga – Handmade and natural skincare for eco-friendly living 

Before sharing details about the products that I have been using, I want to share a little information about the brand. 

Deyga: What I liked about them 

A brand that believes in the goodness of organic skincare. They offer handcrafted products with natural ingredients for gentle and effective skin & hair care. 

Six pillars or factors that Deyga believes in. (and these were criteria for me to choose the products) 

Cruelty-free – No animal testing. Cruelty-free production process 

100% Pure – Pure ingredients procured from ethical sources 

Safe for skin – Contains no harmful chemicals. All the Products are gentle and skin-friendly

Handcrafted – handmade by artisans  

Sustainable – Working towards preserving the natural beauty of the planet (I received the products in reusable glass jars, tin box, and paper packaging) 

Traditional Recipes – Utilizing the past heritage and traditional recipes 

Deyga natural and handcrafted skin care

My personal experience of using Deyga Products

After using some of their products for almost a month, I can say that I found these products very effective as well a gentle on skin and hair. Let me share a review of these products with you. 

Rose & Geranium Body Butter

Price: INR 550

I keep trying natural body butter and body lotions. Deyga Rose & Geranium body butter consists of organic shea butter, Raw mango butter, essential oils like Rose, Geranium, almond, and Jojoba. Its thick in texture and has a pleasant rose fragrance (for best result and application, take the body butter on your palm and rub before applying). I have been using it daily and loved the results. It keeps skin smooth and soft for a long time. It’s a perfect companion for winters.  


Deyga Rose & Geranium Body butter
Deyga , body butter

Rose & Mulethi Face Pack 

Price: INR 490

Most of the powder-based face packs made my skin dry. But Rose and Mulethi face pack keeps skin soft and hydrated even if you mix it with just water (Deyga recommend adding milk in it. I tried it with both milk and water) This face pack consists of Rose grains, Mulethi, oatmeal, and essential oils. After application, my skin looked bright and fresh. I have been using it regularly for a few weeks and can see a lightening of pimple marks. 

Deyga Rose & Mulethi Face Pack
Rose & Mulethi Face pack

Vanilla Deodrant

Price: INR 650

When it comes to traditional deodorants, we know their harmful effects on the environment. Natural deodorants are best for daily usage as they are both environments as well as skin-friendly. This deo stick contains ingredients like shea butter, kaolin clay, extra virgin coconut oil, essential oils like Vitamin E, Vanilla, etc. It has a mild vanilla fragrance (they have jasmine and rose options also). Thick creamy texture keeps the delicate skin odor-free and hydrated. It’s long-lasting and absorbs sweat instead of blocking the sweat glands. The best part is its eco-friendly packaging.

Deyga Vanilla Deodrant

Liquid gold hair serum

Price: INR 750 

With so much pollution around us, maintaining a good hair care routine is essential. Good hair serum helps in new hair growth, strengthens existing hair, also keeps the scalp healthy. I have been using liquid gold hair serum for a few weeks now. I like its light texture that keeps hair nonsticky. The best part is you don’t need a lot of it, a small quantity is also enough. Apply a few drops on the scalp and massage gently. I usually use it during the night and wash the next morning. 

Liquid gold hair serum consists of organic argan oil, jojoba oil, carrot seed oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seed oil, peppermint essential oil, and vitamin E oil. 

Deyga Hair Serum
Liquid Gold Hair Serum

Beet Root Lip Balm 

Price: INR 290 

Lip balm is something I use very frequently, and with winter coming, it’s all the more needed. The beetroot lip balm contains almond oil, Avacoda oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, beetroot extract, and bee wax. It makes the lips moist and supple. Also heals the chapped lips. A must-have in your daily skincare kit. 

Deyga Beetroot Lip Balm
Beetroot lip balm

After using handmade and natural products, I realized that you need to harass your skin with chemicals or spend on expensive products for healthy skin. All you need to do is choose products made with love, care, and the best quality ingredients. 

Do check out the entire range of Deyga products in the link below.

You can follow them on Instagram.

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